Insurance Claims
and Risk Assessments
Capture detailed imagery and generate 2D/3D models to assess property underwriting
risks and damage claims with or without an on-site visit. Reduce manual errors and improve report accuracy with high-definition visuals and precise measurements.
Customizable Reports for Faster Claims Processing
Our advanced software provides real-time property condition analysis and customizable reports, enabling insurers to rely on more transparent, data-driven claim assessments. Whether for roofs, exterior elevations, or interior inspections, VDA’s inspection and reporting tools improve decision-making turn-around and better risk and claim assessments, both of which lead to improved customer satisfaction levels.
Mitigate Risk and
Control Claims Costs
Automate and streamline property data collection with VDA’s platform. Benefit from lower inspection costs, enhanced risk and claim assessments, and reduced fraud exposure.
- Lower inspection and processing costs
- Enhanced risk assessments with accurate property insights
- Reduce fraud risk with verifiable data
What Claim Adjusters
Are Saying About VDA
“Using VDA is fundamental to ensuring a high-quality property analysis that is credible, more accurate, and guarantees that orders are based on correct and reliable information. Overall, there’s less need for constant corrections.”
Kail McCarter
Sales Project Manager / Superstorm Roofing & Siding
“By integrating VDA into our workflow, we’ve seen more customer claims approved, saved hours waiting for reports, and can now close more jobs in a day.
The process is seamless, enabling us to focus on delivering high-quality service to our customer.”
Nick Scott
Sales Project Manager / Superstorm Restoration
“VDA Drone revolutionized our work by streamlining data collection, measurements, wireframes, and reporting.
Paired with VDA Pro, its the ultimate time-saving, all-in-one solution.”
Tyler Lundy
Sales Project Manager / Superstorm Restoration
Unlock the Future of Insurance
We’re your partner in creating more efficient and transparent workflows, empowering you to make quicker, data-backed decisions while reducing costs and improving the customer experience.